The Grow with Me (GwM) Team is all volunteer, from Table Mentors to technology to teaching. We work from our homes on personal laptops and pick up GwM mail from a PO Box. As we endeavor to support the growing needs of the ministry, we thank you for your grace should you experience any gaps. Our desire is to serve with excellence as giving to the LORD.

Beyond the Team you see on this page, there are hundreds of people who serve with us each semester as Table Mentors, Assistants to the Leadership Team and our A-Team; add to that church and community hosts, prayer warriors, financial donors, and our spouses and families. Thanks goes to each one — without the contribution of these amazing people, this ministry could not exist and impact lives and families as it does.

Joy is Grow with Me’s Founder and Executive Director.  She has been married to her best friend, Dave, for over 40 years and together raised a son and daughter.  Joy home schooled for the last half of their education and then stepped directly into Grow with Me Ministries, where she began teaching women to mentor others.  Her passion is encouraging women to KNOW God and LOVE people. In her spare time, she enjoys reading novels by Karen Kingsbury and sharing tea time with friends. “…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… ” Hebrews 12:2a

Nancy met her husband Paul in their high school youth group and they have been married over 35 years. Together they have 3 grown children. Nancy has worked with special needs children as a pediatric Speech Pathologist her entire career. In her free time she loves spending time with friends and family at their cabin in Walker, Arizona. Nancy is excited to continue to grow in the Lord alongside women of all ages as we worship, study, and serve together. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Amy first attended Grow with Me in 2012 and has been part of the ministry ever since. She and her husband, Jeff, have been married over 35 years, have two daughters, and are enjoying this chapter in life as grandparents. Amy grew up in Christian ministry, but it was not until she attended Grow with Me that she fully grasped the vast difference between gaining knowledge of God versus pursuing a relationship with Him. Amy’s desire is that every woman who comes to Grow with Me will experience the transforming power of a vibrant and growing personal relationship with the Lord. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” John 10:14

Theresa has served with GwM in several roles for over 15 years. She and her husband, Stephen (30+ years), are raising 2 adult boys. She enjoys driving and exploring with her husband: as well as, enjoying local music. Her favorite thing about being the Resource Liaison is connecting with the women at her front door and/or over the phone as they wait expectantly for their ministry resource order.

“Don’t be anxious about anything. But, in every situation, by Prayer and Petition and with Thanksgiving present your requests to God. And, the Peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Marissa joined Grow with Me in 2017 and her relationship with Christ was transformed after attending the Cultivating Inner Beauty class. Marissa was a professional chef for 17 years and traveled internationally. Currently, she enjoys pet sitting and assisting those who have experienced traumatic brain injuries. She has a heart for encouraging sisters in Christ and interceding for them and their families. You may frequently find Marissa sharing her faith with others and inspiring them to draw closer to the Lord.  “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18

Kathy has been married to Mike for 17 years. They enjoy connecting with their neighbors, attending a church home group, and dining out with friends and family. Kathy’s career was in banking, retiring in 2015 as a Retirement Educator. Kathy first attended GwM in 2017 and later joined the Leadership Team as Communications Liaison. In 2020 she stepped down but recently rejoined as Growth & Development Liaison. It has been a joy for Kathy to deepen her relationship with the Lord and grow in her spiritual walk with like-minded women. “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12


Contact Us

6635 W. Happy Valley Rd Ste A104 #304
Glendale,AZ 85310

PHONE: (623) 377-4GwM (4496)