Spring is a time of growth and new beginnings! In Grow with Me Ministries, it is a time for women to open their homes to host Growth Groups. These are sweet gatherings for prayer, fellowship, and encouragement among sisters in Christ who desire spiritual growth. If you have never hosted a group before, or are hesitant in any way, I hope my story will encourage you to prayerfully consider opening your door this spring.

Hosting guests in my home was never something I enthusiastically embraced. The talents and passion for hospitality don’t come naturally to me and my home is not spacious or beautifully decorated. For years, I used these as excuses, until God began to work on my heart. It started with a very simple and love-filled meal my mentee brought to me. She showed me how to joyfully share what God has provided. Through the parable of the talents, God continued to impress His will on my heart to use all He has entrusted to me to serve Him. 

The book by Jen Schmidt titled Just Open the Door was the catalyst that convinced me to finally say “yes” to open my home. It began with an invitation to 25 women, with six accepting. On our first evening together, one of the ladies curled up under a blanket and said, “Your home is so cozy!” My heart was blessed. 

Our group of seven met for almost three years. We studied God’s Word together, prayed together, and shared meals together. One of these precious friends trusted Jesus as her Savior in my home! Another young mom, who had adopted two children as a single woman, felt the Lord wanted her to adopt more and be open to moving out of state. Having no idea where God was leading, we all prayed with her for guidance. What an exciting journey as we witnessed the Lord stirring her heart and then answering prayer! Within the year, she was introduced to a widowed father of eight adopted children living in Washington state. Shortly after they met, she moved to Washington where they were married. She became a wife for the first time and a mother to ten children, all in the same day! 

Oh, the blessings I would have missed, had I not said “yes” to simply opening my door! My prayer is that you will also be encouraged to say “yes” if God is asking you to just open the door. As you joyfully serve Him by sharing with others with what He has entrusted to you, the blessings will surely follow. 

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:9-10

Authored by Amy Gordon